Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • AD-21663 Improved overall system performance during high workloads. This ensures smoother uploads and file check-ins when many jobs are processed at the same time.

  • AD-21805 The preflight report area in the Validation tab within the Campaign has been enlarged. This reduces the need for scrolling.

  • AD-21814 Added an new icon ( (blue star) ) to creatives in the Campaign view, allowing quick access to the Native tab.

  • AD-21657 You can now manually stop file processing in the Monitor workspace by clicking the designated icon: (blue star) (Please note: Access to the Monitor workspace is restricted to certain user roles).

  • AD-20763 "HTTPS://" will now be prefilled if the field type is of type "URL". This will also happen if a string is entered and it a URL." Additionally, if the field type is "string" and the ID contains "URL," it will also be prefilled.

  • AD-20911 Drag-and-drop based uploading of creatives to digital orders is no longer supported. This feature was deprecated to avoid situations where line items consisting of multiple creatives were rejected.

  • AD-21230 The "Copy to" functionality can now be configured per user role and controlled on the client side by line item status.

  • AD-21496 A 0.5-second tolerance has been added for social display videos.

  • AD-21781 Production codes are now sorted alphabetically in the "Change Production Code" dialog.

  • AD-21467 It is now possible to translate workspace names directly from the language editor in the Java application.

  • AD-21578 The drag-and-drop experience for adding assets to a line item in the DAM workspace has been update to work more fluently.

  • AD-21746 Locked assets can now be downloaded, edited, and reprocessed by all user roles.

  • AD-21696 The Initiate menu now also supports the Design Typefield.

Bug fixes

  • AD-21770 Fixed a bug where a correctly entered email was mistakenly marked as incorrect if another part of the email input contained an error when being sent manually.

  • AD-21696 Fixed a bug where “undefined” data was being sent to the server from the Initiate menu. Additionally, URL fields will now automatically be prefixed with https:// if missing and added support for the design type field.

  • AD-21598 The use of slashes ("/") in the creative mappings target within the Admin panel has been restricted, as they caused errors when using the "Check in/Check out" functionality in the Campaign view for digital orders.

  • AD-21378 ADPOINT now pushes macros to Xandr when separate tracking tags are included.

  • AD-21464 Fixed a bug where translations were not updated across all tabs upon switching languages in the Campaign view on the client side.
