Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Tip: Use the Search field above the categories to filter administration pages. To remove the filter, simply delete the text in the search field.



Notifications are ways of sending messages from ADPOINT or PLANPOINT to users via email or other messaging systems (optional) when a certain criteria is met.

The template editor is used to design the message and the Email scheduler defines when a message is sent and which template should be used.

Template editor



The template editor is used to define templates for various notifications, i.e. email, text messages etc. These templates are used by ADPOINT for sending automated messages or they can be manually selected by users with access to the Send feature.



to save the template or
to leave the screen without saving the template.

Email scheduler



The Email scheduler defines the rules for sending automatic emails. When a rule is active, ADPOINT the system will continuously scan the rule to find any lineitem or campaign that match the rule. When a match is found, the rule is activated and one or more messages are sent using the templates.



to save the exception or
to leave the screen without saving the exception.





Mappings Mappings relate to digital ads only. Through the use of mappings a ruleset is defined to connect lineitem information to a specific creative size. Mappings are therefore useful when line item information does not specify a size which is the case for some order management systems.

Create Mappings



A line item has a placement code “ABC” but no size. Through creative mappings this placement code can be converted into a specific size, ie. “728 x 90 px”.

In this case, a mapping is set up to parse all lineitems for placement code = “abc”. When found, the value 728 x 90 is passed to the size (dimension) field.



Select the field name that should be mapped


Select how the value should relate to the field name.


Enter the value to compare with the field name.

As data is entered, a list of possible (exisiting) matches is shown.


Select AND or OR to add another mapping line.

AND means the current line and the line above should both be true for the mapping to apply.

OR means the current line or the line above should both be true for the mapping to apply.


Enter the width (in pixels) that should be applied to the line item if the mapping applies


Enter the height (in pixels) that should be applied to the line item if the mapping applies


Enter the target that should be applied to the line item if the mapping applies





ADPOINT validates incoming creatives in order to describe potential errors and warnings that could prevent the creative from being printed or served correctly.

Through the use of validation filters it is possible to set up rules to apply different validation profiles (see below) to different line items.



Tabs: Select between validation filters for digital and When a creative is uploaded to ADPOINT, validation rules decide which validation profile should be used for the creative.

Validation Rules


A validation rules consists of one or more criteria to identify a creative and subsequently decide which validation profile should be applied to the creative.



Tabs: Select between validation filters for digital and print creatives respectively.



Select the field name that should be validated


Select how the value should relate to the field name.


Enter the value to compare with the field name.

As data is entered, a list of possible (existing) matches is shown.


Select Click the (plus) sign to add a new row. Then select AND or OR to add another mapping line. to define how the logical relation to the new row should work:

AND means the current line and the line above should both be true for the filter to apply.

OR means the current line or the line above should both be true for the filter to apply.

Click the (minus) “-” sign to delete a row.

Profile name

Select a profile

Validation Profiles


A Validation profiles is in fact a checklist that is used to validate the content of an incoming creative. The profile determines which tests should be performed and what results of the test can be accepted.


The result of the test is reported merely as an information, a warning or an error.


Postprocessing Configuration


Coming soon


Users and Groups

A group can contain one or more users. The purpose of organizing users in groups is that the group defines the level of access for its members, making it simple to assign the same access to multiple users at the same time.

On user level, a role is assigned to determine which features the user has in the system.



The User admin panel is used to maintain users.


The duplicate icon duplicates a user.

The x deletes a user


LDAP users are users that are maintained by another service such as Okta, Onelogin or Active Directory (Optional). While LDAP users appear in user lists inside ADPOINT and PLANPOINT, they can only be edited through their system of origin.

The edit screen


User name

The user name used for logging in.


The email of the user. Please make sure this email can be accessed by the user.


Select the role of the user. The role decide which features are available to the user.

Producer type

Select the producer type of the user. (Optional)

Select user group(s)

Select one or more groups to which the user belongs.


Enter the password of the user. Passwords appears as dots by default, but clicking the Eye icon shows the password in plain text.


Enter the title of the user. This may appear in notifications. (Optional)

First name

Enter the first name of the user. This may appear in notifications. (Optional)

Middle name

Enter the middle name of the user. This may appear in notifications. (Optional)

Last name

Enter the last name of the user. This may appear in notifications. (Optional)


Enter the phone number of the user. This may appear in notifications. (Optional)


Enter the cell phone number of the user. This may appear in notifications. (Optional)

Contact booker

Enter the contact booker information of the user. This may appear in notifications. (Optional)

Contact producer

Enter the contact producer information of the user. This may appear in notifications. (Optional)



Access filters

Access filter are used to limit access for members of a group to certain pages, ads or assets. When selecting a filter, users that are members of the group, only sees pages, ads or assets that is found by the filter.



We want to limit members of the “ABC group” to only see ads that are booked for the publication named “The Courier”. To do so, a filter should be created that filters on publication=”Courier”.
This filter should then be selected as the Ad material access filter for the “ABC group” which means that the group members only see the ads found by the filter.

Adding Members to a group
