First find the correct plugin that matches the version of Adpoint installed on your system
If you do not already have the latest Anastasiy’s Extension Manager installed, please download and install it from here: Anastasiy’s Extension Manager.
Quit any running instances of InDesign
Open Anastasiy’s Extension Manager on your PC or Mac and select InDesign in the Adobe Products column:
If there is already an extension called http://com.integrationx.client installed, then select it and click Remove from the menu. You may get prompted to enter your local system password to the accept the removal.
Click Install and select the plugin file which was downloaded in point 2 above. This will install the plugin. You may get prompted to enter your local system password to the accept installation.
Quit Anastasiy’s Extension Manager 2
Open InDesign
Note |
Note! If the plugin takes a long time to load in Windows, please check the setup. See more here. |
In ADPOINT, find the order that you want to open. Open the Actions Menu and select “Open in InDesign”
From time to time, you may experience the following warning is shown:
This is a warning that ADPOINT requires access to files that are stored locally on your local drive.
Please accept this by clicking “Edit files”.
The InDesign document now opens in the InDesign application where it can be edited
In the InDesign application the plugin is controlled through the plugin panel: