Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. In ADPOINT, find the order that you want to open. Open the Actions Context Menu and select “Open in InDesign”

    Image RemovedContext Menu Open in InDesign.pngImage Added

  2. From time to time, you may experience the following warning is shown:

    This is a warning that ADPOINT requires access to files that are stored locally on your local drive.

    Please accept this by clicking “Edit files”.

  3. The InDesign document now opens in the InDesign application where it can be edited

  4. In the InDesign application the plugin is controlled through the plugin panel:


Save and Export

Use this to save and export a PDF using default joboptions. A PDF is uploaded to ADPOINT where it appears as a production file.

The InDesign document is closed and uploaded to ADPOINT including linked files.

Save and export custom

Use this to save and export a PDF with custom joboptions. You can enter the custom joboptions in the Export Adobe PDF window. When clicking “Export” a PDF with the custom joboptions is uploaded to ADPOINT where it appears as a production file.

The InDesign document is closed and uploaded to ADPOINT including linked files.

Open view only

This option is invoked from the ADPOINT user interface and enables the document to be shown in InDesign in view-only mode. This means that the document cannot be saved back, nor is it locked for other users. This feature is useful for copying content from an InDesign document when changes are not needed. View only mode is indicated by a blue View only badge in the plugin panel.

Save only

The InDesign document and linked files is uploaded to ADPOINT without a PDF being generated.

Save and close

The InDesign document and linked files is uploaded to ADPOINT without a PDF being generated. The InDesign document is closed.

Save/Overwrite template

Saves or overwrites the InDesign document as a template. A dialog is shown to enter with default size, description and name. It is also possible to assign the template to one or more customers.


Save and close: Saves the InDesign document and closes it.

Save and export custom: Saves the InDesign document and opens a dialog to export it with custom PDF settings.

Save as template: Saves the InDesign document as a template.

Order tab

Opens a list of assets attached to the currently opened order.
Assets can be dragged from the list directly to the InDesign layout.

Clicking the refresh symbol the list of assets is renewed and any assets added since the InDesign document was opened will be added to the list.

Search box: Start typing to search the list of assets.
The x clears the search and shows all assets.

Sort menu: Select the sort order

Show: Select which assets to show

All: Select which asset types to show


Press the rounded arrow symbol in the top right corner of the plugin to update order information.

Composite tab

The Composite tab is only visible when a composite “mother” order is opened. It shows a list of the “child orders” to the composite order including a preview, order information and the latest status.

The “child orders” can be dragged from the list to the InDesign Layout.


Press the rounded arrow symbol in the top right corner of the plugin to update order composite order information.

Details tab

Shows a list of order details for information purposes. The content of the list is subject to individual configuration.


Press the rounded arrow symbol in the top right corner of the plugin to update details information.

Notes tab

Shows a list of notes added to the current order.


Press the rounded arrow symbol in the top right corner of the plugin to update notes.

Annotations tab

Shows a list of annotations from the latest version of the current order.

Show Annotations: Switch to show or hide annotations in a separate layer on top of the layout.

Show reviewed: Switch between modes to show or hide annotations that are marked as “reviewed”

Click the annotations in the panel to highlight the annotation on top of the layout.

Check the Review button to mark an annotation as reviewed.


Reset plugin window, Choose to open inside browser or new tab, set default asset filters


The Log window is used to display the processes performed by the plugin. The content may be required for debugging purposes.

Trash can

Clears the text in the log window.
