Java 17 for ADPOINT/PLANPOINT v.8 (Java Client) - installation

This is guide for installing Java 17 for the Java Client in ADPOINT and PLANPOINT version 8.
The guide covers both MacOS and Windows.

MacOS Java client + Windows Java client installation (64 bit):


This will install Java 17 next to any current Java ( 8 ) already installed.

  1. Download Open Web Start from:

  2. Install it with the default settings and associate jnlp+jnlpx files with Open Web Start.

  3. Run the OpenWebStart settings application:

  4. Go the JWM Manager item in the side panel and press: “Find local” to identify JVM’s installed.

  5. Go to proxy settings and check No proxy.


<script>AJS.$('#main-content').after('<div><a onClick="window.scrollTo(0, 0);">Back to top</a></div>');</script>