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The following release notes are for Adpoint X1.3, released on June 27, 2024.


In the X1.3 release we have been focusing on making improvements in the user interface and general bug fixing.

We also introduce an easy way to export and import workbenches, filters and views in the admin panel making it easier to align test and production environments.

And last the InDesign plugin has been updated with some new features that allows you to save/overwrite templates directly from the plugin, clickable assets from annotations, detecting overset text + some other really good stuff and bug fixes.

Look forward to read below 📖

(blue star) CONTENT

All updates

INFO: The grey labels (AD-99999) refer to our internal issue tracking numbers.

New features X1.3

  • Added a export/import feature in the Admin panel making it possible to export and import workbenches, filters and views

  • Added a new feature blocking for a ADPOINT campaign URL to be used as a click tag

  • Added a feature making it possible to add multiple material contacts in the 'To' field in email templates

  • Added a download feature in the DAM workspace making it possible to download assets from the Asset widgets

  • A Creative workspace with a list of digital creatives is now available

  • It is now possible to see which version of InDesign, X1 InDesign plugin and also which OS and browser and version that the user has been using from the History panel in the Campaign view

Improvements X1.3

  • AD-19580 Improved the logic for the email scheduler so it now actually sends out emails from the different actions according to the deadline it relates to

  • AD-18958 Documentation for X1 can now be accessed from the Profile icon and the menu 'X1 Documentation

  • AD-18750 It is now possible to see which X1 version that is installed from the profile icon menu

  • AD-15961 It is now possible to see who modified a filter or view and the date/time for the modification

  • AD-18897 It is now possible to deliver HTML5 zip files directly to Xandr

  • AD-18829 It is now possible to add a material contact to multiple line items

  • AD-13709 It is now possible to add matspec width/height as creative size for print bookings

  • AD-18524 It is now possible to sort on Sales Rep and Latest Producer fields

  • AD-19021 It is now possible to see the version of a asset in campaign view (again)

  • AD-18855 It is now possible to filter by customer name in the DAM workspace

  • AD-18787 It is no longer possible for two artist to start working on the same order in the same time

  • AD-19464 Added a download feature in the DAM workspace making it possible to download assets from the Asset widget

  • AD-18708 Filters and Views that relates to can now also be accessed from the the DAM workspace

  • AD-18791 When adding a new Workbench, it will now also become the selected one after publishing it

  • AD-19157 Search by this value is now also possible in the Creative workspace

  • AD-18800 Search by this value now also works on Status field

  • AD-19138 Width and Height in Ad Materials now also has 'px' after the number for digital creatives

  • AD-18767 Lock/Unlock is now also available from the Context menu

  • AD-19184 Added info about creator, modified by and modification date in the export list of Filters and Views and added user groups in the export of Workbenches

  • AD-19178 If filters/views already exist as part of a Workbench, it will now also inform about that as part of the confirmation during import from the Admin Panel

  • AD-19283 All assigned assets to a line item can now be downloaded as a zip file from the context menu

  • AD-19036 The weight of a Native creative will now be shown in kilobytes instead of bytes

  • AD-18851 X1 user sessions will now expire after 12 hours

  • AD-19132 Added a limit to how many line items will be loaded pr. default in the Admaterial widget

  • AD-18852 Access to campaign view opened in a new tab, will now expire after 24 hours

  • AD-18797 When changing deadline in the email window, it now also updates the date and time fields in the email template

  • AD-19542 Added lock/unlock to the context menu

  • AD-18769 If a line item is locked by another user, it is not possible to see "Open in InDesign" and "Open template" menu from neither the Context menu or Campaign view

  • AD-18601 Preceding or trailing spaces in quick search are omitted - results will appear regardless

  • AD-18713 Added translations for 'Filter' in View and Workbench in setting menus

  • AD-18651 3rd party tag field is no longer taking up to much white space and is made smaller and dynamic

  • AD-19348 When a click-tag is entered by a user/client, it will now be write-protected and not get overridden by a third-party or html when it’s parsed. When a click-tag field is not write-protected, then it will always show/update the extracted click-tag from thirdparty-tag or html file.

  • AD-19716 The Monitor workspace now shows more info and it will automatically be refreshed when clicking on the workspace

  • AD-19485 Changed the zip file name when downloading assets from the context menu to be the instead of

Bug fixes X1.3

  • AD-18939 Fixed a bug where sorting in some cases didn't show all expected line items

  • AD-18865 Fixed a bug where advanced searches sometimes didn't return any results despite valid search criteria

  • AD-18872 Fixed a bug where users could unlock all inherited filters from a Workbench

  • AD-18873 Fixed a bug where users could remove inherited filters from a Workbench

  • AD-19286 Fixed a bug where status didn't change to 'Work in progress' when adding a third-party tag

  • AD-19187 Fixed a bug where Quick Search in some events didn't show search results

  • AD-18823 Fixed a bug where the pickup tab in Campaign view didn't show all insertions

  • AD-19397 Fixed a bug where Auto Update mode got switched back to Manual Update mode. Now it will show when it's paused because of different actions - see the documentation under 'Search bar' for more info

  • AD-19027 Fixed a bug where HTML5 not always detected the correct creative size

  • AD-19250 Fixed a bug where a click tag sometimes wasn't detected in Bannerflow ads

  • AD-19321 Fixed a bug where it was not possible to save the description field when URL field was empty

  • AD-19013 Fixed a bug where assets couldn't be deleted when the status of a line item was either 'New asset(s)' or 'Requesting material'

  • AD-19196 Fixed a bug where a customer could upload a non-valid PDF without getting errors

  • AD-18884 Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the advanced search 'Status' to break

  • AD-19295 Fixed a bug so the native preview is not displayed when no native layout has been chosen

  • AD-19156 Fixed a bug so saved filter names is no longer case sensitive and won't fail in the import

  • AD-18813 Fixed a bug when importing a Workbench it now respects if a saved a filter or advanced search has been set to not to be active

  • AD-19204 Fixed a bug so it's now possible to import filters/views that used to be stored in a folder from pre-X1 versions.

  • AD-19201 Fixed a bug so it's no longer possible to export a workbench that contains one or more deleted filters

  • AD-18826 Fixed a bug in the DAM workspace where a line item was added when making a advanced search in the Asset widget

  • AD-18856 Fixed a bug where users could change status on a line item even though they didn't have permission

  • AD-17719 Fixed a bug where list of assets didn't get refreshed after a pick up

  • AD-19151 Fixed a bug where status didn't change to what was set in properties file when uploading asset(s) to a line item

  • AD-19338 Fixed a bug where pinning to left/right was lost when changing between workspace tabs more than one time

  • AD-19371 Fixed a bug where searching in the sales group chip didn't return any results

  • AD-19440 Fixed a bug where searching for statuses in other language than English always returned 0 in the count

  • AD-19479 Fixed a bug where all filters was shared with all which was introduced in version X1.2

  • AD-19636 Fixed a bug so annotation tools will show all the time and not just after clicking on the Proof tab in the campaign view first

  • AD-19718 Fixed a bug causing the server not to respond when uploading many creatives after each other

  • AD-19683 Fixed a bug causing some reports to not return with any content

  • AD-19673 Fixed a bug where it was not possible to save changes in "weight" in Validation Profiles in the Admin Panel

  • AD-19412 Fixed a bug so only templates that has choices or the Xandr native template is sent to the client when a customer is loading the campaign view.

  • AD-17311 Removed the option to use emojis for Xandr templates since they got turned into question mark in Xandr

  • AD-19461 Fixed a bug so it is now possible to sort by first insertion date from the pickup tab in the campaign view

  • AD-19434 Fixed a bug so the status flow for creatives now works correct for both internal and external users when uploading/changing/removing ad materials

  • AD-19326 Fixed a bug where annotations from mobile view was not send to Adpoint

  • AD-19298 Fixed a bug where current delevery templated was not overwritten when redelevering some ad material that uses another template

  • AD-19264 Fixed a bug where digital creatives kept reprocessing when preflight log was missing

  • AD-18843 Fixed a bug where thumbnails wasn't displayed when the file has multiple versions

  • AD-19774 Fixed a bug where the content was no longer visual after saving a Native Ad

  • AD-19853 Fixed a bug where Admaterial dashboard failed to load in the Admin Panel

InDesign Plugin v. for X1.3

New features

  • Added modification filter changes depending on selecting matspec or customer assets. Default for customer assets are 3 months and all for matspec assets. The following filter options have been added Last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months, All assets'

  • It's now possible to click on assets attached to an annotation and it will go to and mark the asset in the order tab

  • The plugin now supports placed/unplaced sorting in real time when placing assets into the document. However, removing assets in the doc will not be detected in real-time, which requires either the user pressing the refresh icon at the top right, checking in, or restarting the plugin


  • AD-6245 InDesign Plugin: If a textbox has overset text, a warning will now show when using Save & Export

  • AD-18329 InDesign Plugin: Added overwrite existing template functionality. Shows list of existing template names. Selecting a template fetches the selected template fields.

  • AD-19746 The plugin now use the same missing fonts method as InDesign displaying when opening a document with missing fonts from X1

  • AD-19817 Updated the design to match colours from X1

Bug fixes

  • AD-18845 Fixed a bug where all assets wasn't available in the plugin

  • AD-17916 Fixed a bug with a problem when exporting documents with incorporated assets

  • AD-18400 Fixed a bug which gave problems when exporting an InDesign document using pdf with the same name as the line item - now InDesign will show a warning and an opportunity to rename the pdf file before uploading it to Adpoint

  • AD-18348 Fixed a bug where asset(s) from a Adobe Library didn’t got uploaded to Adpoint with a error message since it’s not possible to upload assets from Adobe Library because of some rights we can’t control in the plugin

  • AD-18720 Fixed a bug where it sometimes wasn't possible to overwrite template name and some general issues with naming in generally

  • AD-18521 Fixed a bug where timestamp was showing in English despite another language was chosen

  • AD-19571 Fixed a bug so it's now possible to review/unreview annotations in the plugin again

  • AD-19711 Fixed a bug causing InDesign to keep crashing when opening a corrupt InDesign document. Now it respects if user says no to recover the document and it also shows that the document is corrupt in the log

  • AD-19814 Fixed a bug so if users make changes to the Default Assets Filters it will respect these until clicking restore to defaults or closing plugin or InDesign

  • AD-19553 Fixed a bug where reload language fil from server didn't work from the plugin

  • No labels