The side panel is organised in tabs, where each tab holds various information about the currently selected placeholder.
You can jump to the description of the panels here:
Table of Contents | ||||||||||
Info |
Content of the side panels varies from system to system. In addition, some feature depend on system configuration and statuses. This means that some features shown here, may not be available in the system you’re working with. |
Not all tabs are visible all of the time. Only tabs that are relevant for the selected placeholder are shown.
Show a list of data about the currently selected
Press the
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Status | ||||
Shows a summary of the most important information related to the selected placeholder.
The latest validation report (if available).
Creative properties
Start time and End time
The start and end time of a creative in a digital campaign
If a line-item has more than one creative of the same size, you can select the preferred percentage of each creative.
Creative level targeting
Enter targeting for the creative here
Proof link
For production ads a proof link can be provided to allow a customer to see a proof of the creative on a fictive site.
If a line item has more than one creative of the same size and you select the optimized rotation option
Used when no URL can be provided. Often this is combined with a message in the Description field.
Pixel tracker/Third Party Tracking URL
Enter a pixel tracker or Third Party Tracking URL here. This may also be used to overwrite existing tracker values. If there are multiple creatives on the same order, the Pixel tracker information can be copied to all creatives using the double-check mark.
I don’t have a creative
Check this box to indicate if there is no creative.
Use this field to add a general description of the creative.
The History panel shows a chronological listing all events for the current and older versions of the creative. The newest event is always at the top of the list.
Above the list of events, there are a couple of controls that can be used to show or hide events as follows:
Select either all versions or a specific version
All: Shows all events
System: Shows events that have been activated by the system.
User: Shows events that have been activated by the current user.
Emails: Show only events where an email has been sent.
For each event the timestamp, user, process and the resulting status is shown.
Some events have an arrow that shows additional information generated by the event.
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The list of events can be long. Scrolling to the bottom of the screen reveal a
The Insertions panel shows all insertions for the currently selected creative.
This is merely for information - there are no actions.
A list of notes added by users. Notes can be either Public or Internal.
To add a note simply start typing in the notes field.
If the Public checkbox is checked, the note is visible for all users who can access the order.
If the Public checkbox is not checked, only internal users can see the note.
Click in
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Pick up
The Pick up panel is used when a creative originally uploaded to another line-item is to be copied to the currently selected creative placeholder.
A list of creatives with the same dimensions as the currently selected placeholder is presented. The list can be filtered using:
Search name: Searches the title, caption and other fields
Insertion date: Searches for a specific insertion date.
Click on the preferred creative from the list to copy it to the current creative placeholder.
Used for managing general notes as well as visuals and assets.
Notes and Visual
In the notes field general notes can be entered.
Use the
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Proof link
For production ads a proof link can be provided to allow a customer to see a proof of the creative on a fictive site. If a QR code is displayed, it can be scanned in order to view the creative on a mobile device.
Assigned Assets
This is a list of assets that have been uploaded to the order. The list is shown in upload order with the newest assets on top. Uploaded assets can be downloaded and deleted.
To upload assets, drag them to the drop area below the Assigned Assets list or click to select.
Info |
You can sort, search and filter assigned assets in the fields shown above the assigned assets list. |
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The proof panel is used for indicating changes to the current creative.
See this video for a presentation of how annotations are added.
Show reviewed annotations
Use this switch to show or hide annotations that have already been reviewed in a previous review cycle.
List of annotations
The list shows the annotations that have been added to the creative in the left side of the screen. For each annotation a text can be entered.
Annotations with yellow background are not saved with the current version of the creative while annotations with grey background are saved.
In the annotation you can:
Click the paperclip to a dialog where the asset can be selected. TThe asset will be referred to by the annotation. This is great if you want to indicate that a certain annotation relates to the use of a specific asset. To delete the asset from the dialog, click the x-icon on the chip that shows the asset name.
Once the annotation has been saved or submitted, assets are available in the Assigned Asset list under the production panel.Click the palette to change the color of the annotation. This can be used to make the icon on the creative stand out from the background.
Click the trashcan to delete the annotation.
Multi-page documents
For documents with multiple pages, it is also possible to show only the annotations that belongs to the current page. Annotations are tagged with a page number to make it easier to find out where they belong.
Annotating Audio creatives
For audio creatives a player bar is displayed below a visual representation of the audio levels. To add an annotation, use the player bar to navigate to the right sequence and add an annotation. In the annotation list, the timestamp is added to the annotation.
Annotating video creatives
For video creatives a player bar is displayed below a the video. To add an annotation, use the player bar to navigate to the right sequence and add an annotation. In the annotation list, the timestamp is added to the annotation.
Saving and submitting annotations
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Note |
If an annotation is empty, that is there is no text or assets attached to the annotation, an error will be presented upon saving. Either add text, attach an asset or delete the empty annotation. |
The Templates panel allow users to add images and text to creative templates imported from the ad server connected to ADPOINT. This is often used for native advertising.
In the Select box a list of available templates are listed. Upon picking a template the fields defined by the template are listed below. Due to the purpose and design of each template, the fields presented vary greatly depending on the template chosen. But in general templates consist of:
Image fields indicated by an area to which an image file can be dragged. Or click in the area to open a dialog to select an image file. Upon upload a preview of the image file is shown.
Text fields where text content can be entered. Click the icon to add emojis to the text field. Text fields may have specific requirements for the number of characters entered. Text fields marked with a red asterix (*) are required.
Press the
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Hereafter a preview of the templated creative is shown on the selected creative placeholder (subject to availability and configuration)
Contains the latest validation report (if available)
Validation reports are generally split in 3 sections:
Errors: one or more errors that prevent the creative from being accepted.
Warnings: one or more warnings that can be accepted but may hinder correct presentation of the creative at a later stage.
Information: A list of properties revealed in the creatives during the validation process.
Info |
The content of the validation panel depends on the validation profile applied to the creative type. |
Shows a list of all versions of the creative.
Version list
This list shows the current and previous versions of the creative. The currently active version is indicated by a grey background.
It is possible to change the current version by clicking the three-dot menu on the version that should be current and select “Set new version”.
It is also possible to download the file belonging to each version.
Info |
Versions are only available for print creatives. |
3rd party tag
Shows field used for entering 3rd party tag information.
3rd party
Enter or paste the 3rd party tag here. You can also add additional information in the Description field.
Click the
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SG Code
Enter or paste the SG Code here. Click the
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You can also enter additional information in the Image Click Through and Third Party Tracking URL fields. It is possible to add additional Third Party Tracking URLs by clicking the
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Info |
3rd party tag fields are only available for digital placeholders that do not have creatives. |