Added the possibility to show ALL in the Admaterial widget in Ad tracking workspace.AD-20323
Added the possibility to change the production code on one or more line items from the context menu which also will change to the correct proof flag.AD-16641
We now only show the latest version of a modified asset such as the psd-template if it is saved with the same name by the user.AD-19984
The EQUALS operator now support multiple value in validation rules. For example a check on multiple dimensions can be done by entering 580x400, 580x500 to check for both set of dimensions.AD-20718
Added a hover on Quick Search text in the search bar to display which fields that is available for quick searches.AD-20664
Made selections more visible and also added hover effect on selected line items
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug when auto update was active it would also update the interface when closing a campaign view or any drawer from the context menu.AD-18771
Fixed a bug causing indd, psd and ai files to sometimes return an error when uploading them to Adpoint.AD-19873
Fixed a bug when creating booking mappings with bleed (field mappings) causing them not to be shown in the list and therefore removed when saving something else.AD-20610
Fixed a bug where "+" parameter and the possibility to change units was missing from version X1.3 after 26042024 version in the Admin Panel -> Validation profile.AD-20446
Fixed a bug where it was not possible to select Proof count in the Admin Panel -> Email Scheduler when using material deadline.