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The following release notes ares related to are for Adpoint X1.4, released Xxxxx xx xxxxon September 26, 2024.


In the X1.4 release we have been focusing on making xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx

Look forward to read below 📖 new features, improvements in the user interface and general bug fixing.

We also introduce some new features like moveable chips in the search bar and a new and smarter way to make a bulk copy of line items in the Campaign view on both digital and print orders within the same campaign.

(blue star) CONTENT

Table of Contents

All updates


INFO: The grey labels (AD-99999) refer to our internal issue tracking numbers.

New features

  • AD-19188 It is now possible to move and rearrange advanced searches/saved filters around in the search bar in all workspaces.

  • AD-19621 Introducing a new and smarter way to make a bulk copy of line items in the Campaign view on both digital and print orders within the same campaign (read more about this new feature in the X1 documentation by clicking here).

  • AD-20050 Introducing a method to fetch assigned workbenches for users so if a user already has been logged in either with no or another user group they can now fetch one or more assigned. workbenches from the profile icon User account menu and the "Fetch Assigned Workbench(es) menu (read more about this feature in the X1 documentation by clicking here).

  • AD-19588 A colored pill is now sourrounding surrounding the account icon which indicates that it's either the user is logged in to eather a TEST or a DEV system user is logged into. The pill does not appear when logged in to a PROD system.


  • AD-17485 When duplicating a workspace tab it will now be named "Copy of ..." and text will be marked ready for renaming or . Or simply press ENTER if name should not be keptchanged.

  • AD-16455 When duplicating a filter, view or workbench the org. name will automatically be copied and highlighted like this: Copy of [org name].

  • AD-20173 Made it possible to change the default documentation link in the user profile account menu pr. client

  • AD-19199 When choosing a quick search from suggestion list it now close closes the list afterwards.

  • AD-18699 When selecting line items by holding down CMD/CTRL or other keys double click will no longer open a drawer.

  • AD-20023 Made it possible to add/remove/arrange/ columns in the pickup tab in Campaign view.

  • AD-18868 Made some improvements when using special signs when naming /or saving filters/views/workbenches.

  • AD-18998 Added a loader icon on the counter in the search bar.

  • AD-19477 Added a dialogue box + loader when exporting as csv files so the . The workspace the csv file is downloaded from, will be inactive while creating the file.

  • AD-19788 When Production quality is changed it now shows in the history log.

  • AD-19835 Changed so when a column has a single click feature it is now only possible to single click on the number/text and the (blue star) icon.

  • AD-19838 More fields are can now able to be copied.

  • AD-19868 All new newly created Layout documents document templates will be stored directly in the database instead of local on the server.

  • AD-20163 Bannernow tags are now supported Added support for Bannernow tags.

  • AD-20331 Booked size is now displayed by default in the line item header in Campaign view.

  • AD-20323 It is now possible to change production code on one or more line items from the context menu.

  • AD-20303 Improved advanced searching in the Assigned/Unassigned widget in the Production. Dispatch workspace so they now overrule the logic by only showing line items that has first insertion date today and in the future.

  • AD-20142 It is now possible to show/hide the columns from the views menu i the Artist widget.

  • AD-13641 It is now possible to attach the preview to an email as a jpg file.

Bug fixes

  • AD-19494 Fixed a bug where the operator "ME" was lost visual could not be seen when used in a saved filter.

  • AD-19735 Fixed a bug where pinning to top/bottom was lost when changing between workspaces and/or updating browser /or logging in/out of Adpointout and in.

  • AD-19127 Fixed a bug where preview was missing on the first uploaded asset in the inititate initiate window.

  • AD-20053 Fixed a bug that sometimes cause caused the line items to jump up and down when scrolling.

  • AD-19871 Fixed a bug where all previous versions disappeared from the Version tab in the campaign view when deleting the ad material.

  • AD-19717 - Fixed a bug where scrolling on PC PCs was looping in the Admaterials widget in the Adtracking workspace.

  • AD-20101 Fixed a bug where menus in the Admin panel sometimes wouldn't open on first click.

  • AD-20111 Fixed a bug where saved filters was not updated/removed on other workspaces when renaming or deleting it.

  • AD-17712 Fixed a bug causing the list view to freeze when scrolling in the AdTracking/AdMaterial workspace/widget.

  • AD-19484 Fixed a bug where status color was no longer showing in the history tab in the Campaign view.

  • AD-19726 Fixed a bug where user groups sometimes was copied to other workbenches when they were duplicated.

  • AD-19834 Fixed a bug causing line items to get randomly selected when scrolling over thumbnails in the list view.

  • AD-19919 Fixed a bug when saving a filter usind using"ME" as the operator when searching for Artist.

  • AD-19920 Fixed a bug when saving a filter usind using"ME" as the operator when searching for Writer.

  • AD-19929 Fixed a bug where processing on a creative in Campaign view didn't got get updated automatically causing it to stay in that process until manual update manually updated by user.

  • AD-19930 Fixed a bug where setting writer when having several line items marked didn't work.

  • AD-20055 Fixed a bug causing the preview to break when using numeric values in fields under Meta form tab in Campaign view.

  • AD-20072 Fixed a bug where previews on Meta assets wasn't retrived retrieved in the Meta tab in Campaign view.

  • AD-20185 Fixed a bug causing the interface to crash when selecting multiple line items.

  • AD-20302 Fixed a bug where ARTIST NAME was not kept as filter when marked in the Production Dispatch after switching to another workspace and back again.

  • AD-20416 Fixed a bug to avoid that Gather, child and mother are the same in the database table.

  • AD-19837 Fixed a bug where sometimes some line items was showing before final result when the interface was loading.

InDesign Plugin v.








3 for X1.4

New features


Download the newest plugin from here


  • XxxxxxxxxxFixed so also assets stored in Amazon S3 can be placed in a InDesign document.

  • Show the asset version in the assets panel (next to the name like asset/1).

  • Show an error message from server when a network request fail.

  • When line item is locked display the error message in alert.

Bug fixes



  • AD-21009 Fixed a bug where a line item got unlocked in the plugin if two users opens a line item at the same time.