7.16 Release notes

7.16 Release notes

Release notes - ADPOINT - 7.16


AD-15035 DEV: Bug in list of campaign items in email template

AD-15044 TEST/DEV: Bypassing empty placeholder is not working in all use cases

AD-15045 No warning when leaving native tab - content disappears

AD-15065 PROD: Pushing to Xandr not working

AD-15096 Send to production button does not change status

AD-15099 PROD: Production and Proof tabs visible to customer when no production case

AD-15101 CUE Print approval process in PROD: delay between material and booking removed?

AD-15144 Thumbnail quality poor at JFM

AD-15174 DEV: HTML5 pushing into Xandr not working in DEV

AD-15179 DEV: History log is showing that each item has sent an email

AD-15200 Engines on jfm-prod getting overloaded with 100% cpu slows down whole system

AD-15267 Regression test \(TEST\) - FW integration results a TRANSMISSION ERROR

AD-15364 PROD: HTML5 material push Adpoint > Xandr / url not working

AD-15389 DEV: Wrong AST -link for PYSTYPARAATI

AD-15394 DEV: Can't push Ad Manager originated Native ad to Xandr

AD-15404 Data updates not OK when a search is made

AD-15443 ProduceWithPickup - "Pickup" Action

AD-15450 Can't save new order on add-dev

AD-15494 PROD/TEST/DEV: URL of HTML5 material cannot be changed

AD-15506 PROD: is there a limit for url character amount in Click Tracker/URL field

AD-15550 PROD: HTML5 material 600x600 is pushed in size 600x600, should be in size 300x300

AD-15558 PROD: Creative gets wrong week number when pushed to Xandr

AD-15559 Can't upload print admaterial in webclient

AD-15590 Saving filters with first insertion date changes the insertion date

AD-15605 TEST&DEV: CPC bookings with material get wrong status

AD-15621 DEV/TEST: Remove features from customer view

AD-15684 MHNL: Check how to hide Approve button after refresh

AD-15700 Deviated display of pdf dimensions

AD-15703 DEV: Social Display Carousel gives error when pushed to Xandr


AD-13708 1. Ellipsis on creative status

AD-13713 Optional creative should not have a size

AD-13732 S3 buckets for Mediatailor in/out

Invoicable Sub-task

AD-15568 Making AdServer reservation id editable.


AD-15340 PROD: Uploading Natives in Adops view

New feature

AD-13692 Adding meta data to PDFs

AD-15004 Dialog to assign artist to a lineitem , headers

AD-15056 Missing translation key

AD-15057 Assign artist doesn't respect permission

AD-15379 Code signing certificate updates

AD-15407 AdCanvas implementation

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