Commonly used tags in an xml email template

Commonly used tags in an xml email template

Here's a list of some of the more common fields that we have used in templates.  There are plenty more so if there is a database field that is needed in a mail then just ask.



And here you can see how to use an 'if' statement to set a variable (in this case we set $logo to be the name of a logo that the customer would want to use in the template):

#if ($matspec.firstInsertion.title.startsWith("FV"))
#set($logo = "FV_logo.png")
#elseif ($matspec.firstInsertion.title.startsWith("SA"))
#set($logo = "SA_logo.png")
#elseif ($matspec.firstInsertion.title.startsWith("BT"))
#set($logo = "BT_logo.jpg")
#elseif ($matspec.firstInsertion.title.startsWith("AP"))
#set($logo = "AP_logo.png")
#elseif ($matspec.firstInsertion.title.startsWith("FAA"))
#set($logo = "FAA_logo.jpg")
#elseif ($matspec.firstInsertion.title.startsWith("LIA"))
#set($logo = "LIA_logo.jpg")

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