Jira Best Practices

Jira Best Practices

This document outlines Best Practices in using Integration X Jira system for issue tracking.



Jira usage

Integration X’s Jira is a tool to facilitate communication around issues relating to ADPOINT and PLANPOINT systems.

Our customers have access to Jira to track issues that are relevant to their system. These can be individual issues that apply to our customers specific installation or issues that are general to all ADPOINT and PLANPOINT systems.

What belongs in Jira

Issues in Jira are used to manage all communications in relation to configuration- and development tasks requested through a project specification, change request or development agreement.


Support cases do not belong in Jira
Instead support cases should be handled in accordance with the support procedure described in our customers Service Level Agreements. Here you will find the procedure to report critical and non-critical support tickets.

User documentation

As mentioned, Jira is intended for issue tracking. Support cases are handled according to the above. Please note that general user documentation for Integration X solutions is available here:

How Jira works

Jira keeps track of all details needed to describe and solve a ticket.

But more correctly, tickets are called Issues in Jira.

From the moment an issue is created it gets a status to reflect its current stage. When something happens, the status updates to reflect the latest action.

The stages reflected by the status spans from “Open” to “Closed”. Any stage in between is where the action takes place. For an overview of statuses, please see the explanation of statuses below.

Issues are assigned to one or more agents depending on their nature. Agents (Assignees), reporter (the user that created the issue) and participants (one of more observers) receives email updates (may be suppressed) whenever a ticket changes status.

Jira users can access filtered dashboards to track issue progress.

Using Jira

Logging in

URL: https://integration-x.atlassian.net

Username: Enter the username assigned to you or your team.

Password: Enter the corresponding password.

Default dashboard

By default, the opening screen will be a dashboard showing all open issues, issues that require input and issues that have recently been updated.

Issues can be opened simply by clicking on the issue key or the summary. The ··· menu to the right of the issue may also have other options relevant to the current status of the issue

Finding an issue

To quickly find an Issue, use the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Here, simply type the Issue number (you do not need to enter preceding letters). If you don’t know the Issue number, just write a key-word from the Issue. A list of found Issues will be displayed.


It is also possible to use filters to find Issues. There are some default filters in Jira and you can create your own.

From the Filters menu, select one of the recent filters or try the Advanced issue search to set up complex filters. Filters can be saved for later use.


Creating a new issue

To create a new issue click the Create button in the top menu.

Unless otherwise agreed, all information should be entered in English.


The following field description cover all fields, regardless of where they appear in Jira.


Description of default fields

Field name


Field name



Select the product to which you want the Issue to apply:

  • ADPOINT (AD) is used for Issues related to ADPOINT

  • PLANPOINT (OUT) is used for Issues related to PLANPOINT

Issue type

Select the type that is closest to the purpose of the Issue:

  • Bug: Reporting a bug

  • New Feature: Suggesting a new feature

  • Task: A specific task, ie. a configuration change

  • Improvement: Suggesting an improvement to an existing feature


By default this should be set to Open when creating a new Issue


Not used


Indicate the priority of the Issue.

Blocker Work with appl. or production cannot run.
Critical Major loss of functionality - no workaround exists
Major (Default) Major loss of functionality - workaround exists
Minor Minor loss of function or easy workaround is present.
Trivial Cosmetic problem like misspelt words or misaligned text.


Please remember that support issues should be reported in handled in accordance with the support procedure described in our customers Service Level Agreements. Here you will find the procedure to report critical and non-critical support issues.

IX Prio

Integration X’s internal priority.


Write a summary of the Issue. Please make it short, descriptive and distinguishable from other issues.


Enter a detailed description of the issue here. Please be as precise as possible and consider adding references to examples that can be tracked by the Integration X support teams.
Screenshots or screen videos are other good ways of describing issues.
You can upload attachments simply by dragging files into the Description field and you can use basic formatting.


Creates the current issue.
If you check the box “Create another issue” you will automatically open a screen to create another issue.


Other fields

Most of these fields cannot be edited. They are merely available for information and filtering purposes.

Field name


Field name



The Integration X agent(s) assigned to the Issue.

Group share

The group that can view and edit the Issue.


Integration X may from time to time add new labels in order to tag individual Issues to create virtual groups.

Time tracking

A summary of the time spend on an Issue - typically used for Issue that are billable.

Due date

The date for which a solution is expected to be available.


Adding comments

When an issue is being worked on, it is possible to add comments. Comments are similar to the Description field in terms of options for formatting, adding attachments etc. When a comment is entered, it can be modified only by the user who entered it.

Comments are visible to the user who created it, to any other user in the same group (group share) and to members of the Integration X staff.

Comments are by default listed in chronological order.

Issue workflow

Explanation of statuses

Below find an explanation of the most important statuses.


Next action expected by



Next action expected by




Integration X

The Issue is open for modifications.

In progress

Integration X

The Issue is being worked on.


Integration X

The Issue is resolved, but not closed. It will be closed by Integration X.


Customer Integration X

The Issue was resolved, but reopened by Integration X.

Awaiting approval


The issue is awaiting approval by the customer.



The Issue is closed. Not further changes can be made.


Integration X

The solution to the Issue is approved by customer.
