Upon succesful login to X1, you either have a blank UI or you will se a default set of workspaces. If the system administrator as assigned a workbench for you, you will already see one or more workspaces with predefined column views and maybe also some filters added to the search bar.
To the top right you’ll find a profile icon. Click on it to see following information and options:
Menu | Action / Explanation |
User name User role X1 version | Mouse over user name to display the group(s) to which the user belongs. The users role in the system, for instance ADMIN, SALESMAN etc. Current version of X1 |
Reset Workbench | An admin assigned tool that gives the user a default set of workspaces/filters/views/sorting WARNING: If you reset your workbench all settings/changes that you have made will be overwritten and cannot be restored. |
Language | Choose a language from the list. Language settings will apply to all texts except those imported from other systems. English is default. INFO: Currently we support following languages: |
Logout | Logs you out of ADPOINT. |
Search bar
The search bar is used to filter the lines shown in the list. Click here for a full overview of Search bar functionality.
List views, Manual update and Filter/Column views/Export menu
Below the profile icon you’ll find these four buttons:
The first two icons are used to select either the condensed view or the normal view of the lines in the list
The circular arrow button is used to force an update of the list.
The last button with the three dots opens the menu for Filters, Views and the possiblity to make an export of ALL results in the current workspace as CSV and/or PDF format.
Column sorting
When hovering the column a column menu is displayed - it appears when clicking the vertical 3-dot menu. Here you can choose the sort order of each column. Or you can simply click directly on the column to get the default sort order and click again to get the reverse sort order.
Once you have sorted one or more columns you can either click on the three dots and chose ‘Unsort’ or just click directly on the column one or two times, depending on your sorting, to get the column unsorted again.
It is also possible to sort multiple columns on more levels by holding down CTRL on a PC or COMMAND on a Mac while clicking on the columns. Again, an additional click reverses the sorting.
Column pinning
It is possible to pin columns either to the left or right from the 3-dot menu.
Pinning a column it will be locked to either the left or the right side of the list. This is useful if you wan a column to appear in the same position regardless of horzontal scrolling. When one or more columns are pinned, you can unpin it/them again one by one using the 3-dot menu.
INFO: The pinning will be lost when refreshing the browser window but not when refreshing user interface window.
Copy/Edit function
You can copy the value of most fields in the list by hovering the mouse over the field for 1 sec and then press the copy icon. The value of the field can now be pasted to other fields in ADPOINT (i.e to search bar) or to another application.
Using the same hovering principle, some fields also have a edit function icon which indicates you change the content of that specific field - for instance the status: