

Views are a set of data that typically make up a list. In other words, Views are sets of columns that can be configured to contain the information required by the user.

Views introduction

Views may vary from workspace to workspace making it possible to apply views that match the work situation. As such, a workspace intended for AdOps may have a view that show columns with information about campaigns etc. while a workspace intended for creative produces may be configured to show columns regarding sizes, production deadlines etc.

X1 views example.png

HINT: You can quickly and easily adjust column width by double-clicking the column separator:


Views can be accessed by the three dots menu (subject to permissions) to the right:

Selecting Views from the menu opens this drawer:

HINT: The views menu drawer can be adjusted in the height so it is possible to see the user interface in the background and in that way see changes made on the fly when adding and/or rearranging the columns

In the left window you see a is a list of all views, which user groups that they are shared with and the name of the user name who created the view. Further these is a modification date and a modified by user name.

In the right side of the drawer, there is a split window which shows two columns:

The left column is a list of all available columns in the X1 database. These vary from system to system. The list is sorted alphabetically.

The right column is the view list which shows the columns that has been selected to be included in the view. The closer a column is to the top of the list, the furter left it appears in the workspace.


INFO: To chose another view click on the circle to the right below the play icon so it turns blue like the already chosen and then click on ‘Close’ to the top right in the black bar:

Views for users that have permissions to create or edit views

If you have permissions to edit and create views you will see blue check marked fields and the ‘Publish’ / ‘Discard’ menu in the black bar:

Creating a new view

Enter the views menu to open the views drawer and then click the the three-dot menu.

Enter a name and click on the blue arrow to add it into the Views list:

Add columns to a view

To add a column to the view, start out by finding the needed columns in the column list:

Click the checkbox next to the column name whereafter the column name will appear in the view list to the right, indicating that the columns will be visible in the order shown when the View is published and activated:

Remove columns from a view

To remove a column from the view, click the light blue checkmark in the right column and the column re-appears in the list of columns rather than the view list:

Rearranging the column order

To change the order of the columns in the view list, use the mouse to drag the column to the right position in the list.

Sharing views with other users

Views can be shared to users by adding user groups in one of these two waysK

  • From the Views list in the column groups:


  • Below the selected view in the ‘Group’ field:


Either way, you select the group by clicking the checkbox to the left of the group name.

Views for users that can’t create or edit views

If you don’t have access to create and/or edit views, you can see one or more of the views which has been shared with you like this:

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