

Search methods

The search bar in X1 has two different search methods:

Advanced Search:

advanced search campaign.png

Advanced searches are typically used when multiple parameters are required to find a certain campaign.

HINT: When in Advanced Search the magnifying glass icon has a star inside

Click here to read more about Advanced Search


Quick Search:

quick search campaign.png

Quick searches are used for simpler searches, typically only using a single number/word but it is of course possible to search for more than that.

Click here to read more about Quick Search

Switch search method

You can switch between the two search methods by clicking the magnifying glass/arrow icon to the left:

HINT: There are two possible shortcuts when within the search bar:
Type double-space or double-click, within the input field to toggle search mode. Even if you have started typing in the wrong mode - for instance quick search - you can use a shortcut without deleting your typing. It will switch mode and show you the results of your typing in the other mode.


This video shows how to change search mode when already having typed something in the search bar:


Advanced Search intro

When clicking once in the search bar you’l see a drown down menu with either a list of saved filters (if any) and all other possible advanced searches (orange chips) which can be added separately into the search bar:

HINT: Press ESC to close 'Advanced Search” drop down menu.


Advanced searches are added to the search bar as orange chips and can have multiple functionality and search operators depending on which advanced searches that is chosen.

Two examples:

Click here to read more about how to handle filtering and saving filters.

Quick Search intro

When clicking once in the search bar you can enter any text to filter campaigns.

Below the search bar, a drop down menu with up to 10 recent quick searches is listed. You can apply these using the keyboard or mouse.

When making a quick search simply type in the text and then press ENTER and it will add a gray chip to the search bar:

Search parameters + Manual/Auto Update mode

When performing a search, you can choose between search in Production or All


All line items excluding line items that are archived.
From the ‘Production’ you can open a menu where it is possible to choose between two update modes:

Manual Update

Manully update needed to get the content updated in in the workspace with this turned on.

Auto Update

Automatically updates the content every 60 seconds in the workspace with this mode turned on. It will also update content where this setting is active each time getting back to the workspace.


All line items including line items that are archived:

How to add advanced searches/filters and control/edit/remove and rearrange them

You can add as many filters in the search bar as you want. Just be aware that it many large searches can effect the performance.

Saved filters are available as blue chips. These filter can contain many different parameters.

Searches on individual fields are available as orange chips (also known as 'advanced searches)


After adding a filter you can control them by following ways:

  1. Click once to disable/enable it

  2. Double click to change the operator/content of the filter

  3. Click the 'X' in the end of any chip to remove it

You can see the number of results from a filtering/search here:

If you want to save your added single filters (orange chips) as a saved filter you can press the ‘bookmark’ icon:

If you want to remove all filters/searches within the search bar or just press the 'X' icon:

From version X1.4 it is now also possible to rearrange all advance searches (orange chips) and saved filters (blue chips):



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