InDesign plugin for ADPOINT 7.11 (HTML) after 711.20221801.0101

InDesign plugin for ADPOINT 7.11 (HTML) after 711.20221801.0101


Who should use the inDesign plugin for ADPOINT 7.11 (HTML)

This plugin in required for ADPOINT users that run the ADPOINT 7.11 HTML client and ADPOINT Version 7.11 after build 711.20220118.0101 running the HTML version.

Users running the ADPOINT 7.11 Java Client should follow this instruction.


This instruction applies to the following versions:


Version 7.11 after build 711.20220118.0101
running the HTML version.


CC2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022

ADPOINT Plugin for InDesign

Version 1.6.7 (version history)


Chrome version 90 and newer

The instruction is valid for both PC and Mac users.


Please note that plugin versions older than 1.4.1 needs to be uninstalled if version 1.4.1 or newer is installed.

Installing the ADPOINT plugin for InDesign

  1. Download InDesign plugin for ADPOINT 7.11 HTML v1.6.7

  2. If you do not already have the latest Extension Manager 2 installed, please download and install it from here: Extension Manager 2.

  3. Quit any running instances of InDesign

  4. Open Extension Manager 2 on your PC or Mac and select InDesign in the Adobe Products column:

  5. If there is already an extension called com.integrationx.xxx installed, then select it and click Remove from the menu. You may get prompted to enter your local system password to the accept the removal.

  6. Click Install and select the plugin file which was downloaded in point 2 above. This will install the plugin. You may get prompted to enter your local system password to the accept installation.

  7. Quit Extension Manager 2

  8. Open InDesign

Note! If the plugin takes a long time to load in Windows, please check the setup. See more here.

Configuring the plugin

  1. In ADPOINT, go to the Admin menu and select “Reset InDesign Folder“.
    You will be prompted to select the directory where the plugin will store its files.
    The path must be: [username]/adpoint
    If the /adpoint folder does not exist in the [username] folder please create it.
    Click the Select Folder button once the dialog points to the [username]/adpoint folder.

  2. Select any print production order. Open the Actions Menu and select “Open in InDesign”

  3. You will be prompted to let ADPOINT view files in the folder assigned above.
    Click the View files buttons to accept.

  4. You will also be prompted to save changes.
    Also accept this by clicking the Save Changes button.

  5. Now the connection between ADPOINT 7.11 HTML and InDesign is established


Using the InDesign plugin from ADPOINT 7.11 HTML

The InDesign plugin for ADPOINT 7.11 HTML is used to open print orders in InDesign. It works with orders that have already been opened in InDesign and where an InDesign document exists as well as orders where an InDesign file does not exist yet.

Please note that the current version of the InDesign plugin does not support InDesign templates. This feature will be added later.

Launching ADPOINT and InDesign applications

  1. Launch ADPOINT in your Chrome browser and log in

  2. Launch InDesign

Opening InDesign documents from ADPOINT

  1. In ADPOINT, find the order that you want to open. Open the Actions Menu and select “Open in InDesign”

  2. From time to time, you may experience the following warning is shown:

    This is a warning that ADPOINT requires access to files that are stored locally on your local drive.

    Please accept this by clicking “Edit files”.


  3. The InDesign document now opens in the InDesign application where it can be edited

  4. In the InDesign application the plugin is controlled through the plugin panel:


Features of the plugin

The buttons on the plug in panel works as follows:

Save and Export

Use this to save and export a PDF using default joboptions. A PDF is uploaded to ADPOINT where it appears as a production file.

The InDesign document is closed and uploaded to ADPOINT including linked files.

Save and export custom

Use this to save and export a PDF with custom joboptions. You can enter the custom joboptions in the Export Adobe PDF window. When clicking “Export” a PDF with the custom joboptions is uploaded to ADPOINT where it appears as a production file.

The InDesign document is closed and uploaded to ADPOINT including linked files.

Open view only

This option is invoked from the ADPOINT user interface and enables the document to be shown in InDesign in view-only mode. This means that the document cannot be saved back, nor is it locked for other users. This feature is useful for copying content from an InDesign document when changes are not needed. View only mode is indicated by a blue View only badge in the plugin panel.

Save only

The InDesign document and linked files is uploaded to ADPOINT without a PDF being generated.

Save and close

The InDesign document and linked files is uploaded to ADPOINT without a PDF being generated. The InDesign document is closed.

Order tab

Opens a list of assets attached to the currently opened order.
Assets can be dragged from the list directly to the InDesign layout.

Clicking the refresh symbol the list of assets is renewed and any assets added since the InDesign document was opened will be added to the list.

Search box: Start typing to search the list of assets.
The x clears the search and shows all assets.

Composite tab

The Composite tab is only visible when a composite “mother” order is opened. It shows a list of the “child orders” to the composite order including a preview, order information and the latest status.

The “child orders” can be dragged from the list to the InDesign Layout.

Details tab

Shows a list of order details for information purposes. The content of the list is subject to individual configuration.

Notes tab

Shows a list of notes added to the current order.


The Log window is used to display the processes performed by the plugin. The content may be required for debugging purposes.

Trash can

Clears the text in the log window.



If the connection between ADPOINT 7.11 HTML and InDesign does not work, please try the following:

  1. Go to the user menu and select “Reset InDesign Folder”.

  2. Set up connection to InDesign again following the steps from the section named Configuring the plugin above.


Version history


Date added (ddmmyy)



Date added (ddmmyy)




New feature: Visuals are pinned to the top of the assets list
Added ability to force save an Indd document depending on version.

Bug fixes: Resolves different naming issues with assets. Resolves issues that could occur while attempting to drag entries in the order tab.



New feature: Notes panel for displaying notes

New feature: Details panel for display details of the job

New feature: Composite panel for displaying the composite “child“ ads

Fixed an issue relating to handling of linked assets with duplicate naming.

Added cache resetting when checking out



Support for broken link dialog

Disables extension when a non-ADPOINT document is opened.



Support for view only mode. Various bug fixes.



Renamed “Lineitem” tab to “Order”. Added a search bar in the list of assets.

Updated the asset list with clearer indication of selected asset(s) and changed spacing between assets.

Removed the animated spinner - instead there is now a progress bar at the bottom of the panel during check-in, check-out, lock and unlock.

Added standard icons corresponding to the icons in ADPOINTs Production panel for file types without preview (Word, Excel, Powerpoint and TXT).

Fixed a bug that caused a non-valid “Matspec ID not found” error message to show in the panel.



Added Lineitem tab with a list of attached assets
Support for InDesign 2022
Various bug fixes.



Bug fixes related to Save and Close. Joboptions are no longer checked in as assets.



Fixed a bug related to InDesign conversion in relation to version.



Bug fix



Fixed an issue related to status changes.



Added support for multiple joboptions.



Fixed an issue related to export on windows. Now supports opens without overwriting.



Fixed an issue related to export on windows.



Stability issues




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<script>AJS.$('#main-content').after('<div><a onClick="window.scrollTo(0, 0);">Back to top</a></div>');</script>