Upload and approval of creatives

Upload and approval of creatives

Upload creatives

digital creative upload.mov

Uploading creatives is very simple, and you will receive instant feedback if the creative can be accepted or not.

  • Drag a creative file from your desktop to the dotted box on the creative placeholder. You can also click the dotted box on the creative placeholder to select a file.

  • After a short wait, you will see a preview of the creative on the placeholder. In the right panel you will see a validation report

  • If your creative can be accepted you’re done!

  • If your creative cannot be accepted you can upload a new creative.

Approve creatives

Approve creatives.mp4

Approving one or more creatives is simple.

  • Click the Approve button for the line item. All creatives will be approved and the status changes correspondingly.

Deliver digital creatives to ad servers


If an “Open in Adserver” link is shown below the creative placeholders, ADPOINT is capable of delivering the creatives to the ad server. Clicking the link will open the corresponding line item on the ad server.

When a creative has been uploaded a Deliver button is shown. Clicking this button will upload all creatives from the line item to the ad server. Any status feedback from the ad server can be tracked in the History side panel.