About this documentation

This User Documentation covers the HTML pages for ADPOINT version 7.11.

As ADPOINT can be configured in many ways, some of the features described herein may not be available to some users due to specific configurations and user permissions.

Unless otherwise described, this documentation covers the English language setting of ADPOINT. You can however easily switch between English language and your preferred language through the user menu of ADPOINT. This may help you find out what a specific feature is called in your language.


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Finding your way around

Getting an overview

The main screen is the place to get an overview of your current ad production. Through the use of tabs, and filtering tools, the overview shows order-lines where each line represents a specific order in your system.

Stay organized with tabs

A Tab is a window that is set up to show exactly what you want in ADPOINT. Tabs are automatically saved on your user profile.

The currently selected tab is marked with bold text and a colored bar beneath.

Tabs can be used for many purposes, but they are especially handy when used with filters as filters can be applied to tab while you can have other tabs showing other subsets of orders.

Creating, renaming and deleting tabs

To create a new tab, press the + sign at the right end of tab line. You will be prompted to select a tab type:


Uses the entire screen to show a list of orders


Has a split-screen view to show orders and materials


Has a split-screen view to show orders and assets

By default a new tab gets the name of the chosen type, but they can be renamed by double clicking the tab name and entering a new name. Tabs used for campaign view cannot be renamed or deleted.

To close a tab, click the circle with an x that appears when hovering a tab with the mouse. You will see a warning dialog asking if you really want to close the tab.


Tip: Hold down the Option key while clicking the close icon to surpass the warning.


Please note: You can set up as many tabs as you like but we recommend you limit the number of tabs to a few essential ones. Not only is it easier to overview, but a lot of tabs can also slow down your browser and reduce general system performance.


The toolbar

The toolbar contains the most used features and commands. Its content depends on the tab type but in general these are the functions found in the toolbar


Contains a list of actions that can be performed on two or more marked order lines.


Select if the list should contain orders that are running, archived or both.

Column settings

Select the column set to be shown in the list. Column sets can be defined by users with Superuser or Administrator credentials.


Set auto refresh intervals or completely switch off auto refresh. You can also use the circle/arrow icon to force a refresh.


Enter a string to search for. ADPOINT is configured to look for the string in a set of selected fields.

Choose filter

Select a filter from a list of saved filters. Pressing the Pencil icon opens advanced filtering.

Clear filter

Clears all filters and searches and shows all order lines (but still honors the settings in the Show menu).

User menu

Here you can select your preferred language, open the administration panel, request a password change, log out and clear user preferences. Please note that clearing user preferences will reset all tabs. Data in lists, saved filters and column definitions are still available.


The list shows all the orders or assets (items) that are currently found. The lists are shown in the current sort order which can be changed

Column headers

The column headers shows which data is displayed in the list. You can change the column headers by selecting a Column setting in the toolbar.

Column widths can be adjusted by dragging the vertical divider between the columns.


To sort on a column header simply click it. To toggle ascending and descending sort order press the same header again. A small arrow will indicate the selected sort order:
▼ = Descending sort order

▲ = Ascending sort order

Order lines

An order line consists of data that is imported from the order management system (booking system) as well as data generated by ADPOINT. The data shown in each order line varies from system to system, but in general a status, a preview and an order or campaign number, is shown alongside various other data.

Special fields in the order line:

The status field shows the latest status of each order. For a complete list of statuses please look here.

In general, statuses are color grouped to make it easier to understand the overall status of the orderline.

Red means that there is an error that prevents the order line to be further processed. Some errors are related to the content of the creative, while others relate to system errors.

Blue is generally used by order lines in transition, ie. during processing or waiting for internal or external user action(s).

Yellow is used for order lines that require some kind of manual action to proceed, i.e. waiting for approval.

Green is used for order lines that have been fully and successfully processed.


Deadlines fields can change background color depending on the remaining time before a deadline is met. Subject to configuration.


Tip: Clicking on any text in the list (except dates, statuses and links), will copy the value to the clipboard.

Marking order lines

Some lists also have a marking feature. This is useful if you want to mark two or more lines.

Click the checkbox in the marking column for each line that should be marked. To unmark click the checkbox again. If you want to mark or unmark all lines in the current list, click the checkbox in the column header.

When one or more lines are marked, the Actions menu in the toolbar becomes active.

Multiple insertions

Some orders have multiple insertions which can be viewed by clicking the chevron icon in the left side of the order line. The insertion list can be closed again by clicking the same icon. Subject to configuration.

List footer

If there are more items than what can fit on one page, you can navigate through pages using the forward and backward buttons in the footer.

Here you can also change how many items should be displayed on each page.


Campaign Portal

Campaigns are handled in a separate window called the Campaign Portal.

Go to Campaign Portal documentation here.


Finding orders, creatives and assets

ADPOINT has powerful search and filtering features that allow you to build both simple and complex filters.

Searches are a quick way to find one or more orders that you can identify by a single piece of information like i.e. a customer name, a word from the caption etc.

In the toolbar, searches can be entered directly in the search field. The search field is configured to perform searches within a limited number of columns in the current found set of items.

This means that if you have applied a filter, search will will be performed into the found set. If you want to search all items, you can clear all filters by pressing the Clear button If you let the mouse hover over the search field, you can see which columns will be included in the search.

As you type in the search field, ADPOINT will try to suggest possible matches.



Filters are in fact searches that can be saved and reused. In addition, filters can be more complex than searches as a filter can be set up to look for items that match multiple parameters.

Filters can also be saved and reused - see saving a filter below.

Creating a filter

To enter the filter panel, press the pencil icon in the filter button in the toolbar.

Filters consist of one or more line, each defining a specific search. A search is made up by:


A list of column names that can be used in the filter.


A list of words describing how the column relates to the value.


A text or number to which the column relates.


If you want to find all order lines where the Sales rep name begins with John, you will set up a filter that looks something like:

[Sales rep] [begins with] [John]


Filters can have multiple lines, each defined as above. When a multi-line filter is created, you will also get the option to define how each line works with the other. In the beginning of the second and subsequent filter lines, there will be an And/Or operator.


means that the previous line and the current line should be “true” to find an item.


means that either the previous line or the current line should be “true” to find an item.

[Sales rep] [begins with] "John" and [Adtype] [equals] "digital" finds Johns digital ads


[Sales rep] [begins with] "John" or [Adtype] [equals] "digital” finds items that either belong to John or are digital ads.

Lines in the filter can be removed by clicking the Remove button.


Saving a filter


Filters can be saved and reused later. To save a filter, press the Save button in the filter panel.

In the save dialog you can define other user groups who should be able to use the filter (subject to permission settings) and you can create folders to organize your filters.

Using a saved filter

Saved filters appear in the filter button in the toolbar. Here, they are appear directly in the list, or if they are saved in a folder, in sub-menus of the list.

Filter on value

For some of the values in the items list, it is possible to apply a filter based on one of the values in the list. Simply press shift and click on the value to be filtered. The list is filtered on that exact value showing only items that has the filtered value.

The filtered value is highlighted by a color. The Clear filter button in the toolbar is also highlighted to indicate how to clear the filter again.


Ad Tracking

While for the most part, ADPOINT automatically matches materials and orders, there may be situations where there is a need for manually matching or even splitting already matched materials and orders.

The Ad Tracking tab

In the Ad Tracking tab, ADPOINT shows orders in the top window and materials in the bottom window. By default, the bottom window shows all materials, but through the Show menu in the toolbar, it can be set to show, i.e. unattached materials.

Attaching materials to orders

If, for any reason, ADPOINT has not been able to match, or attach, a material to an order, it will appear in the list of unattached materials.

To find the corresponding order, you can make use of searches and filters.

When you have found the order, simply drag the material from the lower window to the order in the upper window. Upon release of the mouse, the material is attached to the order.

Detaching materials from orders

To unassign a material from an order, find the material in the lower window and select “Unassign” in the Actions menu.


Working with assets

Assets are the components that are used by creative designers to build an ad. Typical examples of assets are images, logos, copy and ss such assets can be any filetype.

Assets and order relations

In ADPOINT, assets are stored as individual items and ADPOINT automatically keeps track of how an asset relates to and orders. And since an order relates to a customer, ADPOINT also knows which assets belong to the customer.

In Dam tabs, the screen is split to show orders on top and assets in the bottom.

When clicking an order in the top window, it is possible to define how it relates to the assets in the bottom window.

The relation between the order and the asset list can be defined by the Match menu in the toolbar above the asset list.


All assets are shown


Only assets belonging to the Customer of the currently selected orderline are show in the asset window.


All of the above are impacted by active filters in the asset window.

Asset types

Asset types are currently not supported in ADPOINT 7.11. 

Finding and filtering assets

Searches and filters can be applied to the asset window just as for any other list in ADPOINT.

In the toolbar of the asset window,  there is an extra set of built in filters to enable filtering on the asset type (Not supported in ADPOINT 7.7)

Uploading assets to orders

To upload an asset to an order, simply drag the asset from the desktop on to the orderline.


ADPOINT prompts you to decide if the uploaded file(s) are to be uploaded as assets or ad materials.

Assigning assets and orders


To assign an asset to an order, select an order in the order window and then choose “Assign” from the Actions button in the asset line of the asset you want to assign.

You can also do this by dragging one or more assets from the asset window to the order in the order window.

Unassign assets and orders

If you want to unassign an asset from an order, an thus breaking the relation between them, you select an order in the order window then choose “Unassign” from the Actions button in the asset line of the asset you want to unassign.



Actions can be applied to one or more items at a time.

Applying actions

To apply an action to a single item, simply press the action button in the item to see a list of available actions.

To apply an action to multiple items, select the items using the marking function, and the click the action button in the toolbar.



Approves the currently selected item(s) and thereby initiates the approval workflow. This will cause a change in the status.

Assign production


Opens a dialog where various properties of a production order can be assigned. Subject to configuration.


Opens the campaign tab for the currently selected item.


Change production site


Makes it possible to change the production site for one or more orders. Select the new production site in the “Set new value” selector and click the Change button to apply.


Change status

Manually overrides the status for the currently selected item(s).

Check in

Imports files from a local drive. This feature is typically used after production files have been checked out (see check out), modified and saved. Files are automatically imported from the folder that was used as a destination folder on check out.

Check out

Copies the production files attached to the currently selected jobs to the local harddrive. From here the files can be modified and saved, whereafter they can be checked in again (See Check in).


Deletes the currently selected item(s). Please note this cannot be undone.


Detaches the creatives of the latest version of the currently selected item(s).
Detached creatives will appear in the lower window of the Ad Tracking tab.


Opens a tab with the details window


Downloads the latest version of the production creative for the currently selected item. A dialog is presented to select the destination of the downloaded file(s).

Edit order

Edits the currently selected order. Subject to configuration.


Makes it possible to manually send emails in relation to the selected item(s). You can pick an email template from the library of installed templates and you can override any suggested values for receives, ccs and bccs as well as the content of the message itself.

The email function can also be used for sending SMS or Text messages. Subject to configuration.


Makes it possible to edit various properties of a production order. Subject to configuration.


Makes it possible to copy original files and/or layout documents and assets from other orders. This is handy if you want to use the layout and assets from another order to create a new. 

New order


Makes it possible to create a new order. Useful for spec-ads and other specials. Orders have separate numbering and are therefore easy to find with suitable filters. Please note that information entered here is not sent to the booking system. Subject to configuration.

New note

Opens a dialog to enter a new note on the currently selected item.

Open in InDesign

For print creatives that are marked for production, the Open InDesign action does the following:

  • If no InDesign file has been assigned, a blank InDesign document is opened in InDesign. The document will be given the dimensions of the booking

  • If an InDesign already has been assigned, it will be opened.

Additional information about how InDesign can be used with ADPOINT, and how the re


Reprocesses the selected item(s) to undergo the same workflow as if it was just uploaded.

Upload Asset

Opens a select box where materials can selected for upload. Once uploaded, ADPOINT will begin processing the materials. 

Opens the campaign tab to allow upload of a new schedule line.

Deletes the currently selected item(s). Please note this cannot be undone.

Upload new

Opens the campaign tab to allow upload of a new schedule line.


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